membership and one-time donations
Welcome to Night Vale is a free podcast, but it does cost money, time, and creative energy to make. Like the show and want to help us keep making it? Consider becoming a member on Patreon. Our members help keep this show free, and in return, we send them cool, exclusive things that no one else gets. Can’t swing a monthly membership? We also have rewards for one-time donations.
You can also gift a membership. Find out more here.
Have a question about our membership tiers, Patreon, or your rewards? Check out our FAQ, Patreon's FAQs, and if you don’t find an answer to your question, e-mail us at with the subject “Membership Question.”
We still have options for anyone wanting to make a one time donation!
$1 - $74 = Big thanks, fearful listener!
$75 - $149 = We'll send you a set of 4 Night Vale postcards (4 unique designs)
$150 - $249 = We'll send you a black Welcome to Night Vale logo shirt, plus a set of Night Vale postcards
$250+ = Super thanks! You get immunity from all laws for 1 month. Plus the shirt and the postcards, and we'll even have Cecil record you a very special message.
After confirming your payment with PayPal, you'll be redirected back to our site. If you donated $75 or more, we'll need to collect some information in order to send out your rewards. Please fill out the form on our site to receive your rewards.